Stephanie Donnely

  • How Stress is Damaging your Health

    Stress doesn’t only wear on your mind—it wears on your body as well. When you start getting stressed out, your brain switches into “fight or flight” mode, also referred to as acute stress response, releasing excessive amounts of hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. This process can result...
  • ALC: Alcoholic Liver Corrhosis

    Alcoholic liver cirrhosis is the most advanced type of liver disease that is related to drinking alcohol. It is estimated that between 10 and 20 percent of heavy drinkers will develop alcoholic cirrhosis. This condition involves your liver replacing healthy tissue with scar tissue due to decades of heavy...
  • Everything You Should Know About Fatty Liver Disease

    About one-fourth of the world’s population is affected by this disease. The worldwide prevalence of this disease is estimated to be nearly 10-24%.  In the early stages, people are not aware that they have this condition. Most of them are diagnosed when they are being tested for other reasons. We...
  • Sleeping Disorders: Narcolepsy vs Sleep Paralysis

    Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by lapsing into a deep sleep in seconds, regardless of what is going on. It comes with difficult-to-manage symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness, disrupted nocturnal sleep, and cataplexy, a condition where sudden weakness affects the body, in part or in whole. Additionally, the entire...
  • Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

    While hyperhidrosis can be a severe condition, most people find relief from their excessive sweating through lifestyle changes or prescription deodorants. However, there are still a number of people who can’t find adequate help through these methods—for them, surgery may be the only option. There are two commonly used...
  • Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Options

    What is Colitis? Also known by its full name Ulcerative Colitis, Colitis is a chronic disease. In other words, it is a long-term disease that causes inflammation of the colon. In fact, Ulcerative Colitis affects over 700,000 people in the United States alone. There are different severity levels that...
  • Bone Cancer Symptoms and Treatments

    Bones make the core structure of our body. Total 200 bones are there in our body which are meant for providing support to us and holding our body. It also provides protection to the organs of our body. The number of cases of this cancer is not huge like...
  • Spinal Pain Diagnosis

    Spine Pain Causes Spine pain is typically caused by habits or injuries to muscles around the spinal area. When these are not seen to, pain generally occurs and can lead to a further problems down the road. Some of these problems include: Muscle strain, herniated discs, fractures and Osteoarthritis....
  • Life Insurance and Lupus: What You Need to Know

    If you have lupus, obtaining life insurance can be a difficult affair. The disease has various associated risks that make insurance difficult to acquire. However, this doesn’t mean it is impossible. You should, however, know that insurance would be relatively costly for a lupus patient. What is lupus? Lupus occurs in two...
  • Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

    Although researchers have yet to uncover the true cause of fibromyalgia and know little of the science behind the disease, a variety of treatments are available. Some treatments are more effective than others, and achieving the combination of therapies that’s right for you requires collaboration with your physician and honest...
  • Beauty Products: 5 Ingredients to Avoid

    Many women swear by the beauty products they use, but few women are aware of the ingredients used to make those products. Some of the chemicals in beauty products are incredibly harmful. Here are five ingredients found in beauty products that you should avoid at all costs. 1. Parabens...
  • Hormonal Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

    Metastatic breast cancer refers to cancer that resurfaces in or spreads to another part of your body after treatment. Medical experts refer to the process of cancer spreading as metastasis. You can get a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis after receiving treated for early stage breast cancer, or after your...
  • Lupus: What are the Risks?

    Lupus is a type of chronic inflammatory disease. When you have this condition, your immune system erroneously harms tissues and cells that are otherwise healthy and normal. Lupus inflammation can have an impact on numerous body systems, including the lungs, joints, heart, blood cells, skin, and brain. Since its...
  • Is There A Link Between Herpes And Alzheimer’s?

    What is herpes? Herpes is a viral infection that can cause a significant amount of stress to those affected. Both genders are susceptible to contracting this disease. It typically affects the lips, inside the mouth, and even the eyes. The infection can likewise infect the genitals, hence, the name...
  • Running in Cold Weather – 6 Great Tips

    Running when it’s warm and sunny out is an easy feat. It’s running during the colder months that is the true test of a runner. Instead of sticking to the treadmill for 6 months or giving up running all together, try my personally tested cold weather tips. Figure out...
  • Home Remedies for OAB

    Overactive bladder affects millions of men and women. Symptoms include feeling an overwhelming, uncontrollable urge to urinate, increased frequency, urine leakage, and waking to urinate several times during the night. Overactive bladder is a frustrating condition for many people. It can also be embarrassing if symptoms such as leaking...
  • How To Cope With a Miscarriage

    A miscarriage is a spontaneous loss of pregnancy that occurs before the 20th week. Miscarriages can be difficult physically, but they can also be very emotionally draining as well. No matter the circumstances, miscarrying can be a devastating experience for both you and your partner. You might feel angry, guilty, or...
  • Everything You Need to Know About Meningitis Vaccines

    Meningitis is a disease that occurs when the meninges (coverings of the brain) become inflamed. The disease is caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. The disease causes symptoms such as intense pain, sensitivity to light, convulsions, fever, stiff neck,...
  • The Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes swelling, redness, pain and discomfort that gets worse if left untreated. The inflammation that the disease causes can affect internal organs as well. Eyes, lungs, and heart are some of which can be affected by it. Despite the condition being a...
  • Diagnosing Colon Cancer

    Colon cancer is the development of cancer in the colon, or large intestine. It generally begins as small, noncancerous lumps, known as adenomatous polyps, that are asymptomatic and can take some time to turn into full-blown cancerous cells. This is largely the reason yearly colon cancer screenings are recommended—the sooner...
  • Colon Cancer Treatment Options

    How is Colon Cancer Treated? Treatment for colon cancer depends upon the stage of the cancer when discovered. Initial screenings such as colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies can detect pre-cancerous tumors in the colon. These tumors can be removed and tested for cancer. These preventative screenings are extremely important in preventing...
  • Treatment Options For Hip Pain

    Hip pain is common ailment suffered by many and unfortunately can be caused by a variety of different problems. Hip Pain Treatment can be managed in several ways depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment A physical therapist can help hip pain sufferers...
  • What you Should Know About Cold Sores

    Cold Sores Information Cold sores, also known as fever blisters or “herpes labialis” are caused by a lip infection by HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus). Usually one can see it around the mouth or on the lips. Cold sores information that everybody needs to know is that once the virus...
  • Symptoms of Cold Sores

    Don’t you just hate those little fever blisters on your lips that emerge about 2-3 times a year? You don’t remember when the fever blisters first emerged, and you can hardly tell when they are going to emerge next. You only feel a little burning one or maybe two...
  • Money Needed for Medical Billing and Coding Education

    A degree in medical billing and coding usually requires between 30 and 40 college courses, weighing in at a little more than 100 credit hours. With a diploma in hand, you can find a job and begin what will hopefully be a lifelong career. But before any of this...
  • Monthly Salary of a Medical Billing and Coding Specialist

    Medical billing and coding specialists, also called health information techs, compile and process health records so patients receive correct reimbursement from insurance in a timely manner. The specialists typically rely on codes to ensure objectivity and accuracy when entering information into both electronic and paper systems. This info can...
  • Searching for a Medical Billing and Coding Job

    Once you’ve completed your medical billing and coding education, you probably feel you’re all ready to find a job in that field and start this exciting and rewarding career. You may have some questions on how you should begin your job hunt Is there anything more you need to...
  • The Causes of Colon Cancer

    What Causes Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is the name given to cancer in the large intestine, usually resulting from the cells of the colon mutating and multiplying to form cancerous polyps on the intestine. Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers identified in both men and women...
  • The Stages of Colon Cancer

    Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, involves the growth of one or more tumors in the large intestine and rectum. As colorectal cancer is both preventable and treatable, it is important to recognize the symptoms: A change of bowel habits Blood in the stool Diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling that...
  • Symptoms Of Colon Cancer – What You Need To Know

    Colon Cancer is the third most common cancer in men after lung and prostate cancer according to the reports from the National Cancer Institute. The reports also find it to be the fourth most common cancer in women after lung, breast and cervical cancer. The symptoms are normally very...
  • The Insider’s Guide To Diabetes And Leg Pain

    For many aging people, pain, cramping or tiredness in legs while walking or climbing stairs may not sound as symptoms of a serious medical condition. In fact, the majority of people believe that they are normal signs of aging. Nevertheless, they can be symptoms of a form of nerve...
  • Plaque Psoriasis Treatment Options

    Plaque psoriasis is an inherited or genetic inflammatory disease. Approximately 2% of America’s population suffers from Psoriasis. Of the 2%, 90% suffer from plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis is caused by an immune system malfunction and results in red, swollen skin. Patients will see effects of the disease mainly on (but...
  • 10 Causes Of Psoriasis To Avoid

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune ailment that reveals its self as a skin condition and affects 1-3 % of people. A study revealed that those with the disorder are likely to be at risk of suffering anxiety, having thoughts of suicide and depression. Though it affects your skin, psoriasis starts...
  • The Symptoms of Psoriasis

    Psoriasis Vulgaris, also known as plaque psoriasis, is the most common form of psoriasis. Almost nine out of every ten people suffering from psoriasis have this type of chronic skin condition. Plaque psoriasis usually affects the skin on your elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Symptoms Characteristically, plaque psoriasis...
  • What is Plaque Psoriasis?

    Plaque psoriasis is a painful and potentially embarrassing condition in which the skin produces too many cells. This overproduction leads to patches of thick, scaly skin that flakes and is frequently itchy. It’s possible to regulate the symptoms of plaque psoriasis, but as a chronic condition, it will continue...
  • 6 Common Types of Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a chronic condition in which skin cells grow too quickly. The result is large patches of red, raised skin, skin scales, and flakes of dry skin. People with the condition may see symptoms that range from mild to severe. The severity depends on other factors in their environment, such...
  • Life Threatening Allergies

    Allergies are caused by a hypersensitive immune system that flags an otherwise harmless substance in the environment as if it were a disease-causing organism. When your immune system overreacts in this way, it sets off a chain of events with a goal of saving your life from a harmful...
  • What you Should Know About Colon Cancer

    Important Facts To Know About Colon Cancer The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful...
  • Symptoms of IBS

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common functional disorder resulting when the large intestine contracts improperly, either too quickly or too slowly. When these irregular contractions happen it causes a host of symptoms that may include cramps, intermittent pain, gas, and diarrhea or constipation. The cause of IBS is...
  • Planning your Diet with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a fairly common disorder that causes distress in the large intestine. Its symptoms can be potentially embarrassing and painful and include constipation, diarrhea, cramps, and gas. While there is no cure for IBS, there are certain steps you can take to manage the condition,...
  • Understanding Medical Billing and Coding

    When visiting a hospital, patients come in contact with many different employees who contribute in different ways to the treatment and business aspect of patient care. Behind the scenes of bustling treatment centers are important professionals who hold the responsibility of coding medical procedures and assuring that insurance companies...
  • Information About Diarrhea

    If you have come here to look for diarrhea information then you have come to the right place. It is very important to know diarrhea information because it can cause your health to change dramatically. Learning the diarrhea information can benefit your health as well as educating you about...
  • Remedies for Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is an embarrassing and potentially serious condition in which your stools become much more watery and loose than usual. There are a number of different factors that can cause diarrhea, such as illness, diet, or certain medicines. Regardless of its origins, diarrhea is a problem that needs to be...
  • Epilepsy Medications to Treat Seizures

    Numerous epilepsy medications can treat an epileptic seizure. In essence, treatment of epilepsy focuses on the brain. If a person suffers from this particular brain disorder, they have to be provided with the right drugs for preventing and treating seizures. In short, epilepsy drugs help to control the electrical...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Myoclonic Seizures

    Have you ever wondered what happens when the nerves in a person’s brain start acting strangely? They may start to move uncontrollably or even hear, see, feel, taste, or smell non-existent things. When this happens, it is not the time to run away from them or see them as...
  • What Causes Deep Vein Thrombosis?

    Basically, Deep Vein Thrombosis is a blood clot and the majority of sufferers develop them in their legs but they can also form in other parts of the body. If you have developed DVP there are a variety of symptoms to look out for – swelling of the affected...
  • Ways To Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis

    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a clot forms in the “deep veins” of the body, specifically the legs. DVT is serious, and the complications that ensue can be fatal. While there are quite a number of risk factors for developing DVT, there are also things you can do...
  • What is Diarrhea and How is it Treated?

    What is Diarrhea If you are experiencing three or more loose bowel movements in a day, you are suffering from a condition known as diarrhea. An episode of loose bowels simply means that the increase of water is present in the fecal matter, sometimes making the bowel movement a...
  • The Best Diarrhea Remedies

    Diarrhea is an embarrassing and potentially serious condition in which your stools become much more watery and loose than usual. There are a number of different factors that can cause diarrhea, such as illness, diet, or certain medicines. Regardless of its origins, diarrhea is a problem that needs to be...
  • IBS: Natural Home Remedies and Treatment

    IBS symptoms can be uncomfortable to experience, but natural home remedies can help to alleviate the pain! Do you have IBS? Irritable bowl syndrome involves abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. It’s quite frequently linked to stress, depression, anxiety, or a history of infections in the intestines. It’s quite possible...