Understanding Different Types of Breast Cancer

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Breast cancers have various types, and knowledge on all of them is necessary for defining what treatment you need. Naturally, different types of breast cancer will have different causes, show different symptoms, and will need different types of treatments.

Breast cancer can either be invasive or non-invasive. Non-invasive types of breast cancer, also called in situ breast cancers, have a very high survival rate. Cancer cells in non-invasive breast cancers are confined to the site where cancer originated. This means they have not and will not metastasize in other organs. The most common non-invasive breast cancer is Ductal Carcinoma In Situ or DCIS, which develops in the breast’s milk ducts. The best and easiest treatment for DCIS is a mastectomy through which patients are often cured fully.

breast cancer, breast cancer treatment, types of breast cancer

Source: wisegeek.net

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

Sometimes, cancer cells break out from their originating site and, by traveling through blood and lymph vessels, start forming malignant tissues in other body parts. These types of breast cancer are called invasive breast cancers. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma are the most common forms of invasive breast cancers.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, or IDC, originates in the breast ducts, breaking through the duct lining, spreads to the breast tissue and can metastasize further from there. IDC is the most common form of breast cancer, accounting for almost 70% to 80% of cancer cases. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma starts developing in the lobules of the breast that produce milk and then spreads to other parts. Instead of a lump formation, there is thickening of the breast, usually, when a person develops Invasive Lobular Carcinoma.

Less Common, More Aggressive Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer cells can also originate in blood and lymph vessels of the breast, the breast tissue, and the fibrous connective tissue, rather than just the ducts and lobules. These are uncommon types of breast cancer; however, due to the possible aggressive nature, knowing about them becomes imperative. They include Inflammatory breast cancer, angiosarcoma, osteosarcoma, metaplastic breast cancer, Paget’s disease of the Breast, and many others. Always remember that sometimes, cancer can spread to the breast even when the originating site is another organ. This is not a type of breast cancer, but another form of cancer that has just metastasized to the breast.

Inflammatory breast cancer is very aggressive and can originate and start developing cancer cells rapidly. Even within a week, inflammatory breast cancer can become very advanced and dangerous if left alone. This is the reason it is important to know everything vital about these rare types; you can never be too safe.

Invasive Breast Cancer Grades

Invasive types of breast cancer are usually graded according to the semblance of the breast tissue compared to a normal breast tissue. Grades have three levels, ranging from acceptable to worst, progressively. Grading helps to determine treatments required and the urgency with which they’re treated. Grade I means the cells still have some normalcy; Grade III means cells function abnormally and have physiologically degraded.

A lump in the breast can be one of the first breast cancer symptoms that you exhibit. Mostly, the lumps turn out to be harmless and benign, which, to your relief, means that it cannot be breast cancer. At times, the first symptom doesn’t have to be a lump, symptoms like aberrant changes in the nipples, oozing bloodstained discharges from them, an abnormal change in the shape of the breasts and nipples, recurring rashes or even something as trivial as an armpit swelling can be symptoms of breast cancer. The fortunate thing is that although these breast cancer symptoms indicate breast cancer, you can have some or all of them and still not have breast cancer. However, having an examination from a professional is necessary.

Basic Breast Cancer Treatment Options

There are a few basic breast cancer treatment options. Before selecting a treatment for this condition, it is important for you to understand the ultimate goals behind them. The first goal, naturally, is to eliminate all traces of the tumor in the body. The second is to ensure that you’ve taken the active steps to reduce any possibility of the cancer returning. The determination of the treatment normally depends on the extent of cancer and the affected areas of the body.

Surgery is a common breast cancer treatment option when it comes to dealing with breast cancer. Medical professionals will examine the type of cancer that the patient experienced, as well as the progression of the disease before suggesting surgery. If a person is suffering from growth in the breast area that is cancerous, they may need to undergo a surgery that works to save the breast. This type of breast cancer surgery results in the lump, growth, or ‘cancer’ to be extracted from the breast while the breast is kept in place.

Many individuals who experience breast cancer may have a lot of cancerous cells in the breast itself. These cancerous cells may be so immense that they may start to spread to other areas of the body. Many professionals who deal with this type of breast cancer will suggest a ‘mastectomy.’ This is a surgery that requires the removal of the entire breast from the body. This is normally performed in the advanced stages of breast cancer. However, if doctors deem it as an appropriate procedure in the early stages of breast cancer, they can perform it then, too.

Many medical professionals have found that by providing a person who is infected with breast cancer various types of hormones, the cancer can be stopped. This is a very productive treatment when it comes to preventing this type of cancer. As a matter of fact, if an individual has breast cancer surgery, most doctors will implement the treatment of hormone therapy to ensure that cancer does not return. If you suffer from this type of cancer, it is important to discuss this option with your physician.

Radiation is also a common treatment for breast cancer patients. This is an important procedure for sufferers because of the fact that it can eliminate a number of cancerous cells. Many times, this procedure is most commonly used after an individual has had breast cancer surgery. This treatment will work to destroy any lingering breast cancer cells after surgery has concluded.

Keep Well-Informed and Work Closely with Your Doctor

As you can see, there are multiple treatment options available for those experiencing different types of breast cancer. If you suffer from this devastating disease, it is important that you learn as much as you can about it.

You should work closely with your doctor to ensure you find a treatment that will be most useful for your specific needs when it comes to breast cancer. For individuals with this disease, there is a lot of hope. Most treatment methods are effective, and many will recover from the disease successfully.

You should inform yourself about everything related to these cancers, so that when a symptom suggests you might have breast cancer, you know when to seek medical advice, whether the progress of your treatment is right or not, and all the measures necessary to seek treatment and stay healthy.

Featured Image Source: bcsc.ca
Sourced from: mayoclinic.org

Posted on May 5, 2023