• Symptoms and Signs of Bone Cancer

    Bone cancer is a primary or secondary form of cancer. Primary bone cancer is where it begins in the bone. From there, the cancer will then begin to develop in the cells of the bones. Secondary bone cancer is where it begins in other areas of the body. Once...
  • inflammatory breast cancer, breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer signs, skin dimpling

    Inflammatory Breast Cancer Signs

    During a self-breast examination, most women will probably search for a lump on either side of their breast as a sign of breast cancer. Although this is usually a good indicator of cancerous growth, it is just one of many signs that can possibly point to breast cancer. Other...
  • Information on Multiple Myeloma

    There are many reasons why a person may have certain health problems and unless they go to the doctor and have an overall physical check up, he/she can’t know what’s wrong for sure. For instance, cancers are already affecting millions of people around the world and most cases are only detected due...
  • Cancer Treatments

    From the moment that cancer is detected, it can be very scary. After all, cancer is one of the leading causes of death for all age groups and both genders. However, while cancer is not yet curable, there have been many advances that have changed the way that it...
  • The Stages of Colon Cancer

    Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, involves the growth of one or more tumors in the large intestine and rectum. As colorectal cancer is both preventable and treatable, it is important to recognize the symptoms: A change of bowel habits Blood in the stool Diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling that...
  • metastatic renal cell carcinoma treatment, renal cell carcinoma diagnosis, metastatic renal cell carcinoma, metastatic renal cell carcinoma treatments, What is Renal Cell Carcinoma Cancer?, metastatic renal carcinoma treatments, metastatic renal cell carcinoma diagnosis, renal cell carcinoma treatment, renal cell carcinoma, alternative kidney cancer treatment, advanced kidney cancer treatments, kidney cancer survival rates, treatment advanced kidney cancer, metastatic kidney cancer treatments, treatment for metastatic kidney cancer

    Signs and Symptoms of Renal Cell Carcinoma

    Renal cell carcinoma makes up approximately nine out of ten kidney cancer cases in adults. This type of kidney cancer originates in the lining of the proximal convoluted tubule, which is part of the small tubes in the kidney that transport waste from the blood to the urine. The...
  • breast cancer signs, breast cancer, breast cancer symptoms

    5 Early Breast Cancer Signs to Know About

    Breast cancer is a very serious disease to which many women lose their lives. The earlier the doctors can detect it, the easier it is to treat this malignant and potentially lethal tumor. In fact, the survival rates are heaps and bounds higher with early detection. So, here are...
  • Are You at Risk of Prostate Cancer?

    Prostate cancer is a painful and potentially deadly disease that all men should be aware of. It’s wise to speak with your doctor and learn about your personal risk factors. You can begin to educate yourself on this topic by learning about the following three prostate cancer risk factors....
  • bph drugs, bph treatment, prostate exam, prostate cancer

    3 More Terrifying Things Than a Prostate Exam

    Going to the doctor for a prostate exam can cause men quite a bit of anxiety and dread. Unfortunately, this may cause men to put off or completely avoid this potentially life-saving procedure. Reasons for shunning a prostate exam may include feelings of embarrassment; fear of physical discomfort; or...
  • The Causes of Colon Cancer

    What Causes Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is the name given to cancer in the large intestine, usually resulting from the cells of the colon mutating and multiplying to form cancerous polyps on the intestine. Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers identified in both men and women...
  • Bone Cancer Symptoms and Treatments

    Bones make the core structure of our body. Total 200 bones are there in our body which are meant for providing support to us and holding our body. It also provides protection to the organs of our body. The number of cases of this cancer is not huge like...
  • triple negative breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer symptoms, breast cancer treatment

    Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Things to Know

    Triple negative breast cancer, commonly referred to as TNBC, is an aggressive form of breast cancer unique in that it doesn’t utilize progesterone, estrogen, and HER2. While all types of breast cancer are frightening, triple negative breast cancer can be even more terrifying due to its resistance to the standard breast...
  • Colon Cancer Treatment Options

    How is Colon Cancer Treated? Treatment for colon cancer depends upon the stage of the cancer when discovered. Initial screenings such as colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies can detect pre-cancerous tumors in the colon. These tumors can be removed and tested for cancer. These preventative screenings are extremely important in preventing...
  • What To Expect At Your First Mammogram

    If you have never had a mammogram, then there are possibly just 2 things that you know about a breast cancer screening exam. Firstly, there is someone who is going to try squashing your boobs as flat as it’s the case with a pancake and you’ll have to let...
  • What you Should Know About Colon Cancer

    Important Facts To Know About Colon Cancer The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant tissue in Colon grows then the Colon Cancer is occurred. The digestive system is harmed by it very seriously. It is the most harmful...
  • The 5 Stages of Cancer

    We’ve all heard cancer described as being in a particular stage, with higher numbered stages more serious than lower numbers. But what do these numbers actually mean? Most doctors use a staging system called TNM, which measures tumor formation (T), lymph node involvement (N), and the presence of metastasis. 1....
  • breast cancer recurrence, stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 breast cancer treatment, metastasized breast cancer

    Stage 4 Breast Cancer Recurrence & Remission

    Remission in Stage 4 Breast Cancer You may know that breast cancer is categorized into stages according to the prognosis and nature of the disease. A diagnosis of stage 4 cancer (or metastasized cancer) usually means one thing. Your cancer has spread from its original point/organ to other parts...
  • Diagnosing Colon Cancer

    Colon cancer is the development of cancer in the colon, or large intestine. It generally begins as small, noncancerous lumps, known as adenomatous polyps, that are asymptomatic and can take some time to turn into full-blown cancerous cells. This is largely the reason yearly colon cancer screenings are recommended—the sooner...
  • A Guide to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment Options

    Lymphoma is a form of cancer that attacks your lymphatic system, specifically the lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils,  and spleen. The lymphatic system contains lymphocytes (white blood cells) and protects the body against diseases. Since there are a number of forms of lymphoma, each type requires a different course...
  • Your Guide To Metastatic Melanoma

    Metastatic melanoma is a form of skin cancer. There are various types of skin cancer, but melanoma is the most severe. Melanoma can spread very fast to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to visit an oncologist detect and treat melanoma during its early stages. Most...
  • Cancer: Causes, Types, and Treatments

    Cancer is a general name given to over 100 different individual diseases that develop because cells begin to reproduce out of control. When this occurs, these new abnormal cells can then invade other healthy tissues. Once there are enough cancer cells, they will then form a tumor, although there are some that do not, such as those...
  • stages of breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer treatment, types of breast cancer

    Development and Stages of Breast Cancer

    After HIV/AIDS, cancer has been rated as the disease with the highest number of mortalities. Not everyone is aware of the magnitude of this killer disease, let alone its stages. Now, there are over a dozen varieties of cancer but today, we will have a specific focus on breast...
  • Melanoma: Early Signs To Stage 4

    Melanoma is a type of skin cancer considered by medical professions to be the worst type. It develops deep in the cells that form skin pigment and is typically caused by overexposure to harmful UV rays such as those found in tanning beds or produced naturally by the sun. Skin...
  • How Is Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treated?

    Acute myeloid leukemia is a kind of cancer found in the blood and bone marrow that develops in cells that would otherwise become white blood cells. However, acute myeloid leukemia can begin in other cells as well. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a deadly disease without proper treatment and...