• epilepsy symptoms, epilepsy, causes of epilepsy

    Epilepsy Symptoms and Causes

    Epilepsy is a neurological condition of the nervous system that can induce an unreasonable amount of electrical activity to take place inside a person’s brain. This health condition may be due to growths, an infection in the brain, or head trauma. Modern medicine has figured out a lot about...
  • Types of Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

    Epilepsy is a neurological condition caused by a disruption in the ordinary functioning of neurons. There are many different types of epilepsy. One of the most common symptoms of epilepsy is seizures. A patient usually experiences strange sensations and emotions before a seizure. This is a warning of an...
  • post-traumatic epilepsy, epilepsy, seizures

    Epilepsy Causes: Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

    Brain injury and brain damage are results of the destruction of specific brain cells–or neurons. Injuries can occur externally, like through a fall or physical trauma, or from an internal cause. The term traumatic brain injury is when you sustain damage to the brain due to external forces. The...
  • Epilepsy Symptoms and Causes,seizures, epilepsy, seizure medications

    Epilepsy Causes: Seizures During Pregnancy

    Will Maternal Epilepsy or the Required Seizure Medications Cause Harm to a Growing Fetus? Being pregnant is a time of great anticipation, but it is also a time that is fraught with a lot of anxiety. If you are an epileptic, pregnancy can be a precarious time. Epilepsy and...
  • Types of Epileptic Seizures, epileptic seizures, tonic seizure, clonic seizure, tonic-clonic seizure

    Epileptic Seizures: Tonic, Clonic, and Tonic-Clonic Seizures

    There are numerous different types of epileptic seizures. Many epileptic seizures are very unpredictable, hence epilepsy frequently rules the lives of those suffering from it. These seizures occur due to a disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain. They can start happening at any age, anytime, and to...
  • absence seizures, epileptic seizure

    Types of Epileptic Seizures: Absence Seizures

    Absence Seizures: Overview People across the world experience various kinds of seizures during their growth and development. Therefore, it is important to understand the various types and their signs so as to find the right treatment. An absence seizure is an epileptic seizure characterized by sudden loss of awareness...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Myoclonic Seizures

    Have you ever wondered what happens when the nerves in a person’s brain start acting strangely? They may start to move uncontrollably or even hear, see, feel, taste, or smell non-existent things. When this happens, it is not the time to run away from them or see them as...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Complex Partial Seizures

    The human brain operates by transmitting electrical signals via neurons (nerve cells). When there is a surge in these electrical signals, an individual will suffer an epileptic seizure. Seizures can impact the entire brain, but a partial seizure affects just a small portion of the brain. Epileptic seizures can...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Simple Partial Seizures

    There are various types of epileptic seizures, and understanding the nuances of this condition requires that one knows the many kinds involved. After all, not all types of epilepsy are the same. Some types of epilepsy are far more severe than others, requiring innovative treatment methods to help remedy...
  • Epilepsy Medications to Treat Seizures

    Numerous epilepsy medications can treat an epileptic seizure. In essence, treatment of epilepsy focuses on the brain. If a person suffers from this particular brain disorder, they have to be provided with the right drugs for preventing and treating seizures. In short, epilepsy drugs help to control the electrical...
  • Different Types of Epileptic Seizures

    Epilepsy is not a single disorder but a group of disorders that are characterized by recurring attacks. This is typically caused by abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells in the cerebral cortex. Types of epileptic seizures that occur with epilepsy vary depending on whether they are idiopathic or secondary....