Atrial Fibrillation Medication Options & More

If you stay current with what’s unfolding in the medical field, you’re probably aware of one of the top health conditions running rampant today. Atrial fibrillation, or Afib, is a disorder once primarily associated with the elderly which is now seen affecting today’s younger generation. It is especially prevalent in athletes today. According to the world of medicine, Afib has several treatment options which include several forms of atrial fibrillation medication options.

Are you suffering from atrial fibrillation and looking for more information about its association with heart disease? Are atrial fibrillation medication and treatment options successful? What are some of the Afib causes or symptoms and the risks involved? Keep reading to find out more.

atrial fibrillation medication, AFib causes, AFib

Source: Thinkstock/dolgachov


Afib is the most prevalent arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythm condition. It occurs when the regular beating of the heart’s upper chamber becomes affected. Instead of having normal heartbeats, the top chamber of the heart develops a trembling behavior. Heart rhythm disorders like atrial fibrillation occur when abnormal electrical activity speeds up or slows down your heart rate.

Atrial Fibrillation Medication

There are several treatment options available for atrial fibrillation available in the market including surgery and electric or chemical cardioversion. In addition, there are numerous types of atrial fibrillation medication options. However, not all Afib patients positively respond to antiarrhythmic drugs. It’s the key reason researchers came up with a more advanced treatment option in 2001 where they deliver electrical energy to the heart through a defibrillator to give patients control and relief.

Afib Risks

There are many risks associated with atrial fibrillation. Luckily, heart attack or myocardial infarction aren’t generally among them. It occurs when a buildup of cholesterol blocks the coronary artery, a condition called atherosclerosis. Even though the chances of Afib patients suffering a heart attack are small, the potential for other life-threatening conditions such as heart failure and stroke is quite high.

The risk of stroke becomes much greater as atrial fibrillation patients get older. It occurs when a blood clot forms in the atria, dislodges, and then finds its way into the brain, blocking blood flow. Atrial fibrillation patients have a high chance of suffering from heart failure if they don’t monitor their condition closely. If left uncontrolled, irregular heartbeats due to Afib weaken the heart muscle. The result is that the heart will be unable to circulate enough blood to all parts of the body.

atrial fibrillation medication, AFib causes, AFib

Source: Thinkstock/cosmin4000

Afib Causes

As you get older, your chances of getting atrial fibrillation also increase. However, this condition is becoming more and more common among young people. The hereditary factor is another one of the leading Afib causes. If anyone in your family has suffered from the condition, chances are you may suffer from it as well due to a gene that has mutated and transfigured.

If you have an existing heart disease, Afib is likely the primary cause of your condition. In fact, atrial fibrillation is common among those with heart disorders like valve disease, coronary heart disease, and many more. Also, the lifestyle one leads can contribute greatly to the development of atrial fibrillation. For instance, if you are suffering from stress, weight issues, and fatigue, your chances of suffering from Afib become higher. Other Afib causes include too much alcohol and caffeine intake, smoking, exercising too much, and the use recreational drugs.

Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms

Not all patients suffering from atrial fibrillation will experience the same symptoms. What’s even more surprising is that some patients exhibit no symptoms at all. However, some of the most common include heart palpitations that occur when the heart either beats too slow or too fast. Extreme anxiety, stress, excessive alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can cause palpitations.

If you often feel dizzy or light-headed, you may be suffering from Afib. Chest pains that cause a sense of discomfort, pain, or pressure is another common symptom. This specific chest pain is called angina. If you feel tired or suffer from a consistent lack the energy, your body might be telling you that you potentially suffer from atrial fibrillation. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should discuss them with your doctor immediately.

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/luchschen

Posted on May 5, 2023