A-Fib Anticoagulant:

dabigatran, afib, blood thinners, anticoagulants

Atrial fibrillation (afib) is a heart-related illness that causes irregular and rapid beating of the heart. If a person regularly suffers from afib, he or she will have a higher risk of stroke, heart failure, and dementia. What’s scary about this condition is that when it occurs, it usually doesn’t have any symptoms. This means that you have no idea if the condition is serious or not. In the instance that you can observe symptoms, such symptoms include chest pains, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, nausea, and heart palpitations. Fortunately, there are drugs and medications that can help you manage afib. These medications usually work as blood thinners so that blood doesn’t coagulate or clot inside your body. One of the most popular of these anticoagulants is .

The Uses Of

Doctors usually prescribe to patients who are suffering from irregular heartbeats and are thus more susceptible to strokes. Keep in mind that the medication is a blood thinner so what it essentially does is prevent the formation of blood clots in risky parts of the body like the legs and the lungs. As an anticoagulant, performs its task by blocking a particular type of substance called thrombin. Without this substance, there’s less chance for blood to coagulate and develop into deadly clots. is also commonly used as a post-surgery drug. For example, surgeons will administer it on patients who have just undergone hip replacement surgery.

, afib, blood thinners, anticoagulants

Source: Thinkstock/Ingram Publishing

Things You Should Know Before Taking

Like most anticoagulants, you can only take if a licensed doctor has prescribed it to you. Always keep in mind that the dosage will depend on your medical condition. There are also instances wherein your doctor may change the dosage from time to time. With that said, it’s important that you consult with your doctor on a regular basis. You should never increase nor decrease the dosage if your doctor didn’t tell you to do so. If you feel like the drug isn’t having any effects on you, then consult with your physician to determine what could be wrong with the dosage. The general rule here is that you should never self-medicate when it comes to heart-related illnesses.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Like a lot of drugs, there’s always the possibility that you might feel some side effects after taking . However, it’s worth mentioning here that a very serious allergic reaction to is rather rare. If you are suffering from A-fib, there even less risk for possible side effects. The most common side effects of include easy bruising or minor bleeding like nose bleeding. Remember that the drug is among the strongest blood thinners out there. Thinner blood flowing through your veins and arteries means that you’ll bleed easier from cuts. If you feel more serious side effects like nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, it’s highly advisable that you seek medical attention immediately.

Precautions You Should Take Before Taking Medication

There are a lot of factors that you need to consider before you start taking . First of all, you need to be as honest as possible when your doctor asks you questions regarding your condition. Divulge everything that can help him decide if the drug is right for you. Tell him about your allergies, your medical history, and other medications you are using (if there are any). You should also avoid taking injections through your muscles as this can cause bleeding. And last but not least, this medication is not advisable for pregnant women. Its usage is reserved for pregnant women in special cases.

, afib, blood thinners, anticoagulants

Source: Thinkstock/Huntstock

What To Do In The Case Of Overdose

To prevent overdoses, never take more anticoagulants than the amount prescribed by the doctor. Always keep in mind that the drug is a blood thinner, so if you take too much, you can be in for a lot of trouble. Even if your A-fib condition seems to be worse than normal, don’t increase the dosage. Always consult with your physician first. If you feel like you have overdosed, seek emergency medical attention as quickly as possible. Symptoms of overdose include prolonged bleeding, dark urine, and bloody stools.

How To Store The Medications

Always store your medications at room temperature. The storage should also be away from moisture and direct light. In addition, you should store them in a cabinet where kids or pets can’t reach it.

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/wildpixel
Source: WebMD

Posted on May 5, 2023