• Symptoms and Signs of Cancer

    Cancer is a group of diseases that manifest themselves in a variety of ways. As cancer grows, it will begin to put pressure on certain nerves, blood vessels, and organs. As a result of this constant pressure, signs and symptoms will begin to present themselves.  How the signs and symptoms...
  • Causes of Hip Pain

    About Hip Pain Torso of the human body is joined with the legs by a joint called the hip joint. Any pain within the joint or around it is referred to as hip pain. This is a common problem and sometimes it does not call for a person to...
  • Living with Narcolepsy

    Fighting daily exhaustion and bouts of slipping into sleep accidentally can be stressful and wear heavily on everyday life. But for those with narcolepsy, it is simply the way that life is. While doctors may prescribe medication for narcolepsy, there is no guarantee those drugs will work. On top...
  • Symptoms of Sciatica

    The sciatic nerve runs along the spine and back of the legs and can cause pain and discomfort when inflamed or irritated, a set of symptoms known as sciatica. It is not uncommon to experience sciatica, at least in a mild form, at some point in your life. This...
  • Hormonal Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer

    Metastatic breast cancer refers to cancer that resurfaces in or spreads to another part of your body after treatment. Medical experts refer to the process of cancer spreading as metastasis. You can get a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis after receiving treated for early stage breast cancer, or after your...
  • Hernia Treatment Options

    A hernia is characterized by a protrusion of an organ or other structure through a body cavity where it is typically contained. A hernia may produce slight to no pain. There are several causes for hernias including genetics, straining, lifting heavy objects or obesity. The danger presented by a...
  • Symptoms of Cold Sores

    Don’t you just hate those little fever blisters on your lips that emerge about 2-3 times a year? You don’t remember when the fever blisters first emerged, and you can hardly tell when they are going to emerge next. You only feel a little burning one or maybe two...
  • bph drugs, bph treatment, benign prostatic hyper

    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is basically an enlarged prostate gland. The growth of the prostate occurs in two phases as a man matures; in the first phase, the prostate doubles in size as a boy reaches puberty, and then later around the age of 25 growth continues. As a man...
  • 5 Yoga Poses To Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

    People with back pain have tried all sorts of medication in vain, not realizing it is not the necessary treatment in most cases. A good alternative is yoga, which moves the muscles into shape and makes them function better. It’s an ancient practice, but nowadays it is one of...
  • Reasons Your Teeth Hurt (It Might Not Be Cavities!)

    There’s nothing more borderline debilitating or aggravating than tooth irritations. And together with the pain comes the very daunting reality that one could have dentist appointments in their near future consisting of Novocain, root canals, and a three-day recovery. However before one calls out of job, line up your...
  • What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Irritable-Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that mainly affects the intestine causing recurrent left-side abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/ or constipation. It is often associated with stress, depression, anxiety, or previous intestinal infection. According to doctors, it is common in one in every five Americans. Who should look...
  • Hidden Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is an emotional instability that includes quick change of temperament conditions. As the name infers, “bi” implies two or double and “polar” indicates extremity. By application, this implies a man with manifestations of bipolar disorder tends to suddenly change polarities from amazing joy down to extreme misery...
  • Leukemia: The Different Types

    Leukemia occurs due to development of mutations of DNA in the white blood cells. It’s not yet still clear what causes the mutations to grow. These mutations causes the cells to develop and divide too fast than normal to maintain their life. The most common change in DNA in...
  • What To Do If You Or Someone Else Has A Seizure

    It is a traumatic experience to watch someone have a seizure and is often a memory that would last with you for a lifetime. Being informed on how to deal with the situation and offer assistance to this person is absolutely invaluable. You could potentially save their life with...
  • How Safe Are Low-Carb Diets?

    If you would like to lose a little weight in time for summer, you might be wondering how safe low carb diets really are. There are lots of diets out there, some making extremely strong cases about the amount of weight you could lose, and how rapidly you can...
  • Understanding HIV

    HIV, also known as the human immunodeficiency virus, spreads through bodily fluids such as blood, vaginal fluid, semen, pre-ejaculation, and breast milk. Without treatment, the infection develops into acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). So there is a difference between HIV and AIDS as you would have not to treat...
  • COPD: Causes & Prevention

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD,  is an umbrella term for chronic inflammatory lung diseases that obstruct the airflow and cause overproduction of mucus, chronic cough, and difficulty breathing. These conditions often develop and get worse over time a, usually due to smoking. However, there are things...
  • Genital Herpes Overview

    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause sores on your genital or rectal area, buttocks, and thighs. people who develop genital herpes sores are at higher risk of contracting HIV despite successful treatment of the lesions. Here are some info about causes, symptoms, diagnosis,...
  • How to Plan a Diabetes-Friendly Diet

    When you have diabetes, your body does not break down food to use as energy the way it should. Maintaining a diabetes-friendly diet is more complex than just cutting carbonate. Don’ t let that deter you, though. It’ s easy to follow a friendly diet, especially if you get...
  • 10 Causes Of Psoriasis To Avoid

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune ailment that reveals its self as a skin condition and affects 1-3 % of people. A study revealed that those with the disorder are likely to be at risk of suffering anxiety, having thoughts of suicide and depression. Though it affects your skin, psoriasis starts...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Complex Partial Seizures

    The human brain operates by transmitting electrical signals via neurons (nerve cells). When there is a surge in these electrical signals, an individual will suffer an epileptic seizure. Seizures can impact the entire brain, but a partial seizure affects just a small portion of the brain. Epileptic seizures can...
  • How is Multiple Myeloma Diagnosed?

    A multiple myeloma is a rare form of blood cancer that affects the body’s normal production of plasma cells. Since there are few visible symptoms of this disease, doctors must rely on several laboratory tests in order to diagnose it. Here is a look at some of the most...
  • What You Need to Know About Schizophrenia

    Among psychiatric illnesses, Schizophrenia presents the most interesting of diagnosis. Patients with schizophrenia cannot comprehend reality in the same way other people do. Their ability to perceive reality is distracted by repetitive hallucinations, coupled with disorganized thoughts and talk. Also, individuals are incapable of relating to society in conventional...
  • Information About Constipation

    Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem. Some of the symptoms of constipation are having infrequent bowel movements, passing hard stools, or straining during bowel movements. This commonly accepted definition is easy to find anywhere on the world wide web, but what many people don’t understand is how the strain...
  • How is Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosed?

    Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that causes life-threatening damage to the lungs and digestive system. This disorder is caused by a defective gene that affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. Instead of the secreted fluids being thin and slippery as they should be, people...
  • Treatments for ADHD

    ADHD is a comprehensive disorder that leads to different behaviors among children and adults including hyperactivity, difficulty holding attention, as well as impulsive actions. There is no complete cure for ADHD. However, ADHD symptoms can be greatly reduced by carrying out different treatments based upon the different signs and...
  • Treatments Of Heart Disease

    If you are, or think you are, having heart problems it is important to be checked out by a doctor, because it might be a heart disease and heart disease treatment may help you. When it comes to heart disease there are many types, from Coronary Artery Disease, Heart...
  • What are Osteoporosis Symptoms?

    Osteoporosis is becoming a nationally recognized disease, which is defined by one’s bone density becoming lost and/or breaking off. Literally, the bones of the body become super fragile and porous and eventually get to a point where they can easily snap or break from becoming to brittle. Osteoporosis, literally...
  • Diagnosing Ulcerative Colitis

    Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the digestive tract. Left untreated, it can cause many complications, including holes in the colon, bleeding, cancer, and dehydration. The inflammation sometimes spreads to other parts of the body, such as your eyes or joints. In some cases, untreated...
  • What Causes Hyperhidrosis

    Hyperhidrosis is an embarrassing condition that causes excessive sweating. While it’s commonly referred to as a singular entity, there are actually two different forms of hyperhidrosis—primary focal and secondary general. Both of these variations have wildly different causes, some of which provoke concern more than others. Here’s a look...
  • Brain Cancer Surgery Alternative Treatments

    Brain cancer is a disease that affects the tissue inside your brain. When cells begin to develop in an abnormal mass, this is referred to as a brain tumor. There are different types of brain cancer that are classified based on the location of brain tumors and where the brain...
  • Sleeping Disorders: Narcolepsy vs Sleep Paralysis

    Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by lapsing into a deep sleep in seconds, regardless of what is going on. It comes with difficult-to-manage symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness, disrupted nocturnal sleep, and cataplexy, a condition where sudden weakness affects the body, in part or in whole. Additionally, the entire...
  • The 3 Stages of Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a progressive infection in your gums and surrounding teeth and bones. Although the infection can occur at any age, it is most common among adults. If left untreated, gum disease can cause serious destruction to your teeth, gums, and bone. There are three main stages of gum disease....
  • 5 Yoga Poses To Help Relieve Stress

    Yoga is one of the best stress relievers on the market. This practice combines the stretching your body needs to relieve tight muscles with deep breathing that can calm the mind. Try these poses to get some much needed relief! If you don’t have the time or space to sprawl...
  • Symptoms Of Hernia

    A hernia is a common medical issue occurring when tissue or a portion of an internal organ bulges through an opening or weak spot in muscle tissue. Although the majority of hernias occur in the abdomen, they can occur in other parts of the body as well. Hernias are...
  • Causes of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (or CML) is a cancer of the blood found specifically in white blood cells. CML causes the rapid proliferation and growth of mostly myeloid cells within the bone marrow. These cells build up within the blood and cause numerous problems. CML is a stem cell disorder of...
  • Are You at Risk of Prostate Cancer?

    Prostate cancer is a painful and potentially deadly disease that all men should be aware of. It’s wise to speak with your doctor and learn about your personal risk factors. You can begin to educate yourself on this topic by learning about the following three prostate cancer risk factors....
  • 10 Terms to Know when Dealing With Congestive Heart Failure

    You may start to experience symptoms of congestive heart failure when your heart’s ability to pump blood to the rest of your body becomes impaired. Heart failure can develop gradually over time or come on suddenly after a heart attack or a disease of the heart muscle. If you...
  • Which Alcohols Are Ruining Your Diet?

    Everyone and anyone knows that alcoholic beverages add weight to our waists. Who doesn’t know this? We all know that these drinks cause massive calorie intake and gain. Some drinks are not worth spending on, simply because they contain so many pesky and heavy calories. The video above covers...
  • IBD, inflammatory bowel disease

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for a group of autoimmune conditions that cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms can be severe and painful for any of the several types, of which Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common. If you suspect you...
  • What’s The Difference Between Bipolar I And Bipolar II?

    Bipolar disorder is not a new concept in the medical field seeing as many people have been diagnosed with the condition. Awareness, as well as acceptance, has substantially increased. However, very little is known about distinguishing the two existing types of bipolar disorder which entail bipolar I and bipolar...
  • Symptoms of Leukemia

    Leukemia is a cancer that causes your white blood cells to grow abnormally. There are different types of leukemia that will produce different symptoms. In fact, some types of leukemia may not cause any symptoms at all, while others may produce very severe ones. Many of the typical symptoms...
  • Seizure Safety Information

    Roughly 65 million people across the globe suffer from epilepsy, a chronic condition in which seizures are a part of daily life. Appallingly little is understood about the brain and why seizures happen, and as of now, there is no definitive cure for epilepsy. However, there are medications and...
  • Suffering From Allergies? Here’s Why

    Allergies affect more than twenty percent of people in the United States, which implies that a great many individuals are influenced every year. Allergies can affect people at various times of life, and amid various seasons, contingent upon the source of their allergy. There are various diverse offenders that...
  • How Is HIV Treated?

    HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is an incurable infection that attacks the immune system. Without treatment, HIV progress to AIDS and become deadly. There are many HIV treatments available today that can prevent the progression of the infection, which have lowered the mortality rate significantly since the epidemic started. Even...
  • 7 COPD Myths Debunked

    Just like every other condition, COPD comes with its very own inventive myths. Indeed there are many myths associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, most of which could not be farther from facts. So instead of believing everything you hear and read about COPD, it is always recommended that...
  • What Causes Herpes?

    Herpes are caused by herpes simplex virus. There are two types, called type 1 and type 2. Either type can be caught on any part of the body: lips and genitals are the most common places. This page is about facial sores – which can also be called fever...
  • Best HEPA Air Purifiers for Home

    If you suffer from severe allergies, such as the dust, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and other pollutants, or if you have any air quality problem in your home, then, a HEPA air purifier is indispensable. It’s one of the most correct things you can do to keep the...
  • Plaque Psoriasis Treatment Options

    Plaque psoriasis is an inherited or genetic inflammatory disease. Approximately 2% of America’s population suffers from Psoriasis. Of the 2%, 90% suffer from plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis is caused by an immune system malfunction and results in red, swollen skin. Patients will see effects of the disease mainly on (but...
  • Epileptic Seizures: Simple Partial Seizures

    There are various types of epileptic seizures, and understanding the nuances of this condition requires that one knows the many kinds involved. After all, not all types of epilepsy are the same. Some types of epilepsy are far more severe than others, requiring innovative treatment methods to help remedy...